4 Ways the O-Shot® Can Help You

Dynamic HealthHealth Tips

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Regenerative Therapy Weight Loss Programs Pain Management

If you’re a female experiencing urinary incontinence, other vaginal discomfort, or sexual dysfunction, the solution can be as easy as getting a shot. The O-Shot® is a simple treatment administered at Dynamic Health that effectively treats the following:

  • Lack of or decrease in libido
  • Difficulty reaching or absence of orgasm
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Vaginal or tissue atrophy
  • Urinary incontinence or leakage 

Read below to learn how the O-Shot® can help you.   

How the O-Shot® Can Help 

There are four distinct ways the O-Shot® can help improve your quality of life. 

Improve your sex life

The O-Shot® can improve your sex life by raising your libido, helping you produce more vaginal lubrication, alleviating pain during intercourse, and helping you achieve orgasm.   

Alleviate discomfort

General pain, itching and discomfort can result from vaginal dryness and muscle or tissue atrophy. The O-Shot® can provide relief for that day-to-day discomfort.  

Increase vaginal health

Muscle and tissue in the vaginal area can weaken with age and a drop in estrogen. The O-Shot® can restore strength to your muscles and the length of the vaginal canal and even improve the look of the labia. The O-Shot is just one of several treatments available to improve fitness or reduce stomach fat.

Eliminate urinary incontinence 

The O-Shot® can reduce or eliminate stress urinary incontinence or leakage associated with sneezing, coughing, jumping or other movements.  

How the O-Shot® Works

Administering the O-Shot® is a simple procedure that takes less than 45 minutes right here in our office. We’ll start by drawing a little blood, and then we’ll use a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. A small needle is then used to make an injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into the vaginal wall and clitoris.  

There is no recovery time and sexual activity can resume the very same day. The time required to see results can vary, but the body can continue to respond to the shot and improve results for up to 12 months. 

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Learn more about the O-Shot® and how it can help you by calling us today, by utilizing our live online chat feature, or by scheduling your free consultation. With the O-Shot and Dynamic Health, relief from sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence is just one appointment away.  


Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Regenerative Therapy Weight Loss Programs Pain Management