Regenerative medicine stem cell therapy charlotte nc

Why Renewed Medicine Is a Popular Alternative to Surgery

Dynamic HealthStem Cell

Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Renewal Therapy Pain Management

Anyone who’s suffered from joint pain or degenerative disease knows the dread involved with wondering whether or not surgery is the only option for getting better. There’s less reason to worry than ever before, thanks to advances in renewed medicine. 

At Dynamic Health, we practice several types of renewed medicine that are less invasive alternatives to surgery. We’d like to talk about what those are, and how we differentiate ourselves from other providers in the area.

Types of Renewed Medicine at Dynamic Health

Renewal Therapy

Renewal therapy is the process of extracting a patient’s healthy cells and using them to jump start and stimulate the healing of the tissue and joints. When you opt for this method at Dynamic Health, we use our state-of-the-art equipment to repurpose cells that come from your own body — no additives or alternatives included. The result is a quicker recovery time for you.

Growth Factor Therapy

You may have heard of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments and amniotic tissue treatments. Both of these are types of growth factor therapy that use injections to foster cell growth and kickstart the body’s natural renewal processes. If your care plan involves these same-day treatments, you can expect less invasiveness and overall faster response from your body.

Choose the “Dynamic Duo” in the Charlotte, NC, Area

Our team uses renewed medicine to change the environment of the internal joint, but that’s only part of the equation. We also follow on-site rehab protocols to focus on building up and maintaining the external environment of the musculoskeletal system. That’s the “Dynamic Duo.”

We’re proud to offer customized in-house treatment plans for our patients, as well as advanced equipment that can’t be found at other clinics in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area. Schedule your complimentary consultation today to see how you can benefit from the “Dynamic Duo.”

Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Renewal Therapy Pain Management