Simple Tricks to Help You Get Rid of Your Back Pain

Dynamic HealthHealth Tips

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Regenerative Therapy Weight Loss Programs Pain Management

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If you’re seeking professional back pain relief in Charlotte, visit Dynamic Health Carolinas in Charlotte, NC. There are also some simple tips and tricks that you can implement at home to help you reduce and treat back pain.

Change Your Sleeping Position

If you experience low back pain in Charlotte, then you’re not alone. For many people, lower back pain can be caused by something as simple as sleeping in the wrong position for your body. Consider sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees to help align your spine. A simple change to your sleeping position can provide immense back pain relief.

Hot and Cold Packs

Hot and cold packs can provide significant relief from back pain in Charlotte without the need for medication. Ice packs reduce inflammation and numb pain, while heat packs help soothe the sore muscles that accompany low back pain.

Try Working On Your Posture

Upper and lower back pain can sometimes be caused by poor posture. Gentle exercises such as tai chi and yoga may help you learn to improve your posture and reduce lower back pain in Charlotte. On top of that, try to avoid slumping, keep your feet flat on the floor while sitting, and always use a chair with back support.

Get Some Exercise

You may have been told to rest if you’re dealing with back pain, but that can sometimes do more harm than good. Gentle exercises such as walking more or doing Pilates can help significantly when trying to reduce back pain.

Change Your Shoes

Wearing ill-fitting or unstable shoes can lead to back pain. Extremely flat shoes may also cause strain that leads to pain in your back. Make sure you learn how shoes should fit, and find comfortable footwear that supports the arch of your foot.

Consider Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can provide immense back pain relief. If home remedies aren’t helping with your back pain, then you should consider seeking the help of a medical professional who can refer you to a physical therapist or discuss other medical treatment.

Come see us at Dynamic Health Carolinas in Charlotte, NC. We can provide pain management treatments, physical therapy, and advice to get you back doing all the activities you love.

Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Regenerative Therapy Weight Loss Programs Pain Management