The Time Has Come! We’re Moving into Our New Digs!

Dynamic HealthEvents

Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Renewal Therapy Pain Management

DHPM Building Construction

To all of our amazing patients and friends, this is a friendly reminder that we will be closed October 8th and October 9th (Thursday and Friday). We will reopen on Monday, October 12th, 2015, at our new location!

You can now find our services at the following address:

4707 South Boulevard

Charlotte, North Carolina 28217

And if you’re having trouble finding us, just visit our website or call (704) 525-6288. For more information about our move, check out our FAQ below!


  1. Can you still provide the same services now that you’re in a new building?

That’s a great question. Not only can we provide the same services in this new building, we’ll have more space, which means our team can add equipment and utilize an incredible amount of square footage that will help us optimize your treatments—and allow us to better implement our protocols—to help you find the pain relief you need!

  1. Is pain relief still your first priority?

We didn’t change our name or our focus. Just our location! Our team will still use SRS™ Therapy and the many other disciplines that developed our multidisciplinary approach. And, of course, our other protocols will still be fully implemented. Everything you love about Dynamic will still be the keystones to our present and future.

  1. Can I schedule an appointment now!?

Yes, you can absolutely schedule an appointment now … Well, if “now” is midnight, then we might not be able to do that. But if “now” is during business hours, we can definitely get you in to see our pain relief professionals.

We hope to see you soon. And remember, our offices are completely closed Thursday and Friday, October 8th and October 9th, respectively. We will reopen on Monday, October 12th, and will continue serving patients for their pain relief needs. And, if you’re a past patient, you’re more than welcome to come see our new facilities and say hello to our staff!

Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Renewal Therapy Pain Management