glowing test tube in a laboratory illustrating stem cell research myths

Debunking the Most Common Myths About Renewed Medicine Research

Dynamic HealthStem Cell

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Renewal Therapy Pain Management

Renewed medicine research has produced dozens of promising new medical advancements over the last several years. However, with any new treatment comes misconceptions. Many of these myths have kept people from enjoying the pain relief benefits renewal therapy has to offer. Here are the truths behind the five most common renewed medicine myths.

You can also check our recent blog on renewal therapy to learn more about the cells used in renewed medicine and their pain relief benefits.

Common Myths About Renewed Medicine Research Debunked

Myth: Renewed Medicine Cells Come from Embryos

Truth: We’ll start with the most common concern most people have about renewed medicine research and therapy. Although the cells utilized in renewal therapy can be derived from embryos, this is not the only place they come from. Doctors can also harvest this classification of cells from adult bodies. In fact, renewal therapy uses only renewed-medicine-specific cells harvested from your own body.

Myth: All Adult Renewed Medicine Cells Come From Bone Marrow

Truth: Marrow is one of the most common sources for adult renewed medicine cells. However, the number of these cells found in marrow tends to decrease as the individual ages. There are plenty of other potential sources in the human body like fat tissue.

Myth: The Cells Used in Renewed Medicine Will Be Rejected by the Host Body

Truth: There is a slight risk that renewed medicine cells from another person may be rejected by the host. This is the case with almost any kind of donated body part or tissue. However, this risk is eliminated entirely when the cells being used come from your own body.

Myth: Renewal Therapy is Unsafe.

Truth: There are no major risks associated with renewed therapy. As mentioned above, there is no risk for rejection from the body. Since the treatment is completely natural, complications are also incredibly unlikely. Renewal therapy is also much less invasive than surgical options for chronic joint pain.

Myth: Cells Used in Renewed Medicine Can Cure Heart Disease

Truth: There are a wide variety of different treatment options being explored using renewed medicine cells. However, these cells are not a miracle cure for all disorders and there is no currently known renewal therapy treatment for heart disease. Because our understanding of the applications of renewed medicine is constantly evolving, a heart disease treatment may eventually be developed.

Renewed Medicine has been proven effective in dealing with many other medical issues including joint pain.

Want to know more about how renewal therapy can help you deal with your chronic pain? Schedule a consultation with Dynamic Health in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can also learn more by keeping up with our blog.

Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Renewal Therapy Pain Management