runner stretching and showing her bones - condition that may improve with stem cell therapy

What You Need to Know About Renewal Therapy

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Renewal Therapy Pain Management

Thanks to recent developments in the field of pain management, chances are you’ve heard about renewal therapy. This innovative procedure is helping people across the country get relief from their chronic pain. But, with any new treatment comes questions. Here are some answers to common questions many have about renewal therapy.

Learn more about how renewal therapy can help you with your chronic pain.

Answering Your Questions About Renewal Therapy

What Are Renewed Medicine Cells?

The cells used in renewed medicine are special undifferentiated cells that have the potential to become different kinds of body cells. This includes nerve cells, muscle cells, cartilage cells, and more. This unique ability makes them ideal for treating injuries. They can be deployed to a damaged area to restore the tissue.

How Does Renewal Therapy Work?

The cells used in renewed medicine do a great job of fixing damaged tissue in your body, but they have a difficult time reaching some areas, like joints, on their own. Renewal therapy lets us inject cells into hard-to-reach areas that are experiencing pain. Once there, they start to restore and repair the damaged cartilage tissue, relieving the pain.

Is Renewal Therapy The Same Thing As PRP?

PRP (or platelet-rich plasma) works by taking some of your blood and using a centrifuge to concentrate the level of platelets, a type of blood cell that aids in healing. These platelets are injected into the damaged joint to relieve pain.

Both procedures achieve similar effects using different kinds of cells. Based on the unique causes of your chronic pain, one or a combination of treatments may work better for you. However, renewal therapy is typically the best choice for major cell restoration.

Where Do You Get Cells Used in Renewal Medicine?

Cells used for renewal therapy procedures come from your body. This means there is no risk of your body rejecting the treatment, an allergic reaction, or contracting blood-borne illnesses.

When Does Renewal Therapy Start to Work and How Long Will the Relief Last?

Results will vary from patient to patient, but most patients experience improvement after about a month or two. It typically takes between six and eight months for patients to feel peak relief.

The treatment’s effects usually last anywhere from one to two years, although many patients experience relief for much longer.

Will I Need to Have it Done Again?

This will depend on the type of injury and level of degradation you have. Fewer than 4% of patients have needed follow-up treatment over the past two years.

Does My Insurance Cover Renewal Therapy?

This varies based on your injury and the kind of insurance you carry. After your diagnosis and initial consultation, we will be able to work out a specific treatment package for you and determine what your insurance will cover.

Have any more questions? We’re happy to answer them. Contact us at (704)-525-6288 to learn more. You can also schedule a consultation to find out if renewal therapy can help you.

Learn more about services at Dynamic Health Carolinas

Renewal Therapy Pain Management