How Chronic Pain Affects Personal Relationships

Dynamic HealthPain Management

  Living with chronic pain forces you to change your daily habits and learn how to manage pain. Unfortunately, even if you are dealing with the pain to the best of your ability, changes in your attitude and your general availability (both emotionally and physically) can negatively impact your relationships with others. At Dynamic Health, we know that chronic pain …

How Meditation Improves the Health of Your Body

Dynamic HealthHealth Tips

At Dynamic Health, we recognize that a lot goes into keeping a person healthy. That’s why we advocate natural healing. Many different components may contribute to a person’s overall health of mind and body, starting with an individual’s everyday environment. Since we know that environment plays a role on individual health, we also know that stress and pressure can lead …

5 Ways Nutrition Impacts Your Everyday Life

Dynamic HealthHealth Tips

Proper nutrition is important for many reasons, but most people still make excuses. I don’t have time. I can’t afford it. I don’t know how. If you ignore basic nutrition, you’re only getting in the way of your own health and happiness. At Dynamic Health, our goal is for our patients to live healthy, pain-free lives. And we know that …

What Type of Headache Are You Experiencing?

Dynamic HealthHealth Tips

  Headaches are discouraging, painful, and inconvenient, but the type of headache you are experiencing may be relatively easy to identify. Check out this infographic from Dynamic Health that can help you determine what kind of headache you are experiencing. Whether you have a tension headache, cluster headache, sinus headache, or migraines, the staff at Dynamic Health can help you work …