It’s no surprise that physical injury and repetitive motions can lead to back pain—but very few individuals realize that sitting at a desk for the majority of the day increases the risk of back pain. This week, Dynamic Health examines the most common causes of back pain in today’s desk-based digital world. Poor Posture Whether you’re sitting at an office desk or …
Upcoming Charlotte Pain Management Events and Screenings
Dynamic Health is very involved with the Charlotte community. Our Charlotte pain management facility supports local charities and participate in corporate events and community screenings. If you would like to have us speak at a corporate health fair or provide a community screening, please fill out our Registration Form. Our facility offers a talented group of medical professionals, including internal medicine …
Charlotte Pain Management Facility Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving!
Dynamic Health would like to wish all of our clients a happy Thanksgiving! We have enjoyed being one of the best Charlotte pain management facilities and could not be more thrilled to be part of this thriving community. Trusting us with the diagnosis and treatment of your pain is something we appreciate and never lose sight of. Our team of dedicated …
Exercises to Improve Posture and Alleviate Chronic Pain
At Dynamic Health, we know that maintaining good posture is beneficial for adults and children in many ways, but it’s also something that many Charlotte residents struggle with. Regular slouching can cause you to have a misaligned spine, which can result in chronic pain. Many of us spend several hours a day hunched over a keyboard or slumped over a desk, …
The Dangers of Chronic Pain
Dr. Peter Cox, a chiropractic physician with Dynamic Health & Pain Management, appeared on WCNC’s Charlotte Today this morning to discuss the dangers of chronic pain with hosts Colleen Odegaard and Ramona Holloway. Many people believe that acute and chronic pain is an inevitable part of life – or they make the mistake of assuming their aches and pains will …
Tai Chi Can Help Alleviate Chronic Pain and Functional Limitations
Individuals dealing with chronic pain may also suffer from functional limitations. These limitations often lead to further deterioration and can also contribute to increasing pain. In many cases, physical therapy has been exhausted and medications may have been escalated to doses that are no longer therapeutic. This vicious cycle is seen very commonly in our patient population. At Dynamic Health, it’s our …
Causes of Back and Neck Pain
Chronic back and neck pain is very common among Americans and is often the result of the natural aging process, an underlying spinal condition or a cumulative trauma disorder. One of the most common causes of back and neck pain is spinal disc herniation, also known as a slipped disc. At Dynamic Health, our highly skilled spine specialists are trained …
Pain Management for Chronic Back Pain and Chronic Headaches
More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Whether it’s caused by arthritis, migraines, fibromyalgia or bad backs, chronic pain – the kind that sticks around for weeks, months or even years – can have a detrimental effect on the quality of your life. In the video below from Charlotte Today, Dr. Peter Cox, a chiropractic physician with Dynamic Health, …
3 Signs You Should Consider Pain Treatment
Many people believe that acute and chronic pain is an inevitable part of life – or they make the mistake of assuming their aches and pains will go away on their own. This unfortunate assumption can prove detrimental, leading to even more pain and discomfort. It’s critical to know when it’s time to seek out a pain treatment solution. Here are three …
Simple Pain Relief Tips to Manage Chronic Pain Symptoms
Pain is the body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong. Pain can appear suddenly or build slowly over time, ranging from mild and intermittent to severe and persistent. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states that acute pain, left untreated, can lead to chronic pain. At Dynamic Health, we focus on relieving acute and chronic pain as quickly …