woman on her side in athletic clothes receiving pain rehabilitation treatment

How Pain Rehabilitation Provides Relief Without Surgery

Dynamic HealthPain Management

If you’re living with chronic pain every day, you’re know how difficult it can be to find relief. Unfortunately, many people’s searches for a solution lead them to unnecessary medications and surgeries. These options often come with a litany of side effects and complications. Fortunately, Dynamic Health in Charlotte, North Carolina, offer comprehensive pain rehabilitation treatments that can help you …

woman holding a joint in her arm that may benefit from stem cell therapy

How Renewal Therapy Stands Out From Other Pain Solutions

Dynamic HealthStem Cell

Modern medicine offers plenty of treatments for chronic joint pain, from cortisone and hyaluronic acid injections to major surgery. Unfortunately, these procedures either require long-term downtime or only provide short-term relief. However, renewal therapy has recently emerged as a revolutionary new option that can eliminate chronic pain using your body’s natural healing abilities. Benefits Renewal Therapy Offers Over Joint Pain …

man with type 2 diabetes checks his blood sugar with device

What are the Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

Dynamic HealthType II Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common health problems in the United States, with over 30.3 million Americans living with the disease. There are two main types of diabetes called type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Although both have similar effects and risks, the causes are very different and there are unique treatment options for both. The Difference Between Type …

woman showing off her UltraSlim® results

How the UltraSlim® Laser Helps Patients Quickly Lose Weight

Dynamic HealthUltraSlim

One of the most thrilling recent advancements in weight loss, the UltraSlim® Laser treatment can take off 2-10” in a matter of minutes. Not only does this high-tech treatment help patients lose weight, but it is able to do it without surgery.  With the dramatic results patients can expect, many wonder, “How does UltraSlim® work, and what makes it different …

woman meditating by the shoreline

Ways You Can Continue Your Medical Rehabilitation at Home

Dynamic HealthHealth Tips

Over 100 million people suffer from chronic pain in the United States. Whether it’s from injury, arthritis, degeneration, or some other illness, chronic pain can hamper your ability to enjoy everyday activities. Don’t let pain control you. Get relief and improve your health with medical rehab from Dynamic Health & Pain Management in Charlotte, North Carolina. Even though Dynamic Health …

man holding his knee on a road

What is Renewal Therapy, and How Can it Help You?

Dynamic HealthStem Cell

Anyone who keeps up with current events can tell the world is in the midst of a scientific revolution. Because of media attention to consumer technology advances, many people overlook the huge advancements being made in biological and medical science, but these changes may be the most significant. One of the more important new treatments to emerge in recent decades …

How the UltraSlim® Cold Light Helps You Lose Inches in Minutes

Dynamic HealthUltraSlim

The slow progress of weight loss can make the process discouraging. It often takes weeks or months before you notice any significant results, and many abandon their weight loss efforts while waiting. Fortunately, there is a treatment available for fast and effective weight loss. The UltraSlim® weight loss treatment at Dynamic Health helps patients lose inches in just minutes*. Learn …

red tomatoes background. group of tomatoes

The Best and Worst Foods for Controlling Your Type II Diabetes

Dynamic HealthType II Diabetes

Although type II diabetes is a serious disease, it doesn’t need to control your life. Managing your diet is one of the most important steps to improving type II diabetes symptoms. Although it can be difficult to adjust your eating habits, taking the time to be mindful of everyday food choices goes a long way. Here are the best and …